Quality Pool Purification is changing the way we manage swimming pool water. We offer an environmentally friendly way to dispose of the many impurities in your pool water, while saving thousands of gallons of water. Until now, the only solution for bad pool water was to drain it, not anymore! Our high pressure, multi-membrane filtration system allows us to literally renew the water, providing you with a safe, clean, pure and healthy swimming experience…without draining!
What We Do
The purification difference is noticeable the first time you jump in the water after our treatment. You will immediately notice how good the water feels compared to your past swimming experience.
Our pool purification system is designed to lower or remove excess levels of:
• Calcium Hardness
• Total Dissolved Solids
• Cyanuric Acid
• Salts
• Minerals
• Metals
• Many other pool water impurities
The buildup of these contaminates are inevitable over time. Unfortunately, each negatively impact the swimmer, the life expectancy of the interior surface of the pool and the equipment.
How We Do It
Quality Pool Purification is introducing an innovative service to the Valley area. Our mobile purification system allows water to flow from your pool into the trailer, where it is then cycled through 17 different filters and membranes. The water returns to your pool, clean and pure – even better than the water that comes from your homes tap.
What to expect:
First, we offer a free evaluation of your pool water. We will collect a sample of your pool water to determine its condition and levels. This water analysis is performed with advanced testing equipment, which allows us to know more accurately what you’ve been swimming in.
We start the process by putting your pool in what we call Dissolution, this will help to actually clean the interior walls and surface of the pool and prepare the water to be purified with the trailer. Once this process is complete our 22’, enclosed trailer will be parked as near to your pool as possible. Our pool purification professional will roll out large hoses from the trailer to the pool, as well as a waste water line that connects from the trailer to your homes sewer drain.
The water is then cycled through the trailer at flow rates up to 200 gallons per minute. That enables us to easily process 15,000 gallons of swimming pool water, impurity free, in approximately 4 hours*. Our purification professional will perform final tests and readings on your pool water, make any corrections needed, and ensure that you have been left with ideal swimming pool water! The hoses are rolled up and we pull the trailer off your property.
Purifying your pool really is that convenient for you, the customer. Consider this, before Quality Pool Purification came to the Valley area, your only option, when your pool’s chemical levels were too high to manage, was to drain your pool – while that sounds fairly simple it is actually a 3-5 day process in most cases by the time you drain the pool, clean the interior and then begin to refill– each step taking an entire day or more to complete. All the while, wasting thousands of gallons of water and leaving your pool unusable for up to 3 days. Draining your pool is wasteful and very inconvenient – purifying your pool is environmentally friendly, convenient and leaves you with far better results!